cpp_wrapper Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for cpp_wrapper:


file  BppTree.h [code]
 C++ implementation of a B+ tree dictionary.
file  Cursor.h [code]
 A simple implementation of an iterator for the C++ Wrapper interface of IonDB.
file  Dictionary.h [code]
 Interface describing how user interacts with general dictionaries using C++.
file  FlatFile.h [code]
 The C++ implementation of a flat file dictionary.
file  LinearHash.h [code]
 The C++ implementation of a linear hash dictionary.
file  MasterTable.h [code]
 Interface describing how user interacts with the master table using C++.
file  OpenAddressFileHash.h [code]
 The C++ implementation of an open address file hash based dictionary.
file  OpenAddressHash.h [code]
 The C++ implementation of an open address hash based dictionary.
file  SkipList.h [code]
 The C++ implementation of a skip list dictionary.